Andie Arquisola RN, BSN

I am driven by a genuine passion for enhancing the well-being and appearance of individuals through aesthetic procedures. My approach is characterized by a commitment to providing each client a personalized and comfortable experience. This involves tailoring treatments to suit individual needs and preferences, ensuring that the results are not only effective but also look natural.

In my practice, creating a relaxed atmosphere is a priority. I want clients to feel at ease when discussing their concerns and desires. This open and comfortable environment fosters clear communication, allowing me to understand clients' goals and expectations better. By striving to deliver natural-looking results, I aim to enhance not only the physical aspects of appearance but also boost the confidence and overall satisfaction of my clients.

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Visit Us in Phoenix

Monday-Friday 9am-6pm
Saturday-Sunday By Appointment Only

Baseline Tox Medspa

(Located inside of Desert Sage Wellness)

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